Sequins and Faux Fur

For those looking for a fabulous lifestyle...

10 July 2008

Welcome and About Me

Well, I decided to start writing a blog about my daily life, because frankly, who does not want to hear about it? I am basing this off the notion that I will start to get paid and become really famous like Perez. However, I do not live in Los Angeles or have all the inside celeb gossip, so that is a little bit of a stretch. First off, I want to give you a little insight to who I am. These next things/people/ideas make up who I am.

Elle Woods : Elle is my ultimate role model. Though it is really cool she went to law school and all, you could not pay me $1,000,000 to do that. I feel as if we have a special connection because we both served as Sorority President, love to shop, and have an affinity for the salon and small dogs. She is also very positive and stays in high spirits even when times are hard. I look up to her for that.

Caffeine: This is my ultimate vice. My drinks of choice include a cold Diet Coke (over ice) and Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla Coffee with milk. I discovered Dunkin Donuts Coffee with Kacey after a long night in Adam's Morgan. It was love at first taste.

Future Career Plans: Last week, my old pal Janna and I decided that we are going to open a clothing boutique. We have been brainstorming this idea for years but finally decided it was time to act on a dream. This idea probably came about four years ago when Janna and I lived in the same dorm room and realized we both had a love for cute clothes, small dogs, and peach vodka. Therefore, we are going to open a great store with designer jeans, dresses, accessories and occasional cocktail hours for our VIP customers. We will be employing young, hip, nice girls or our good friends if they are willing to take a huge pay cut. I know that we will def be featured in Lucky Magazine as a boutique to go visit. However, this will not be open for a few more years because one, we have no money and two, no business plan. But if you are willing to invest, I will say that this is very worthwhile.


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