Sequins and Faux Fur

For those looking for a fabulous lifestyle...

06 September 2008

Concert on Beale

So, last night I met Corey Smith and had the chance to go on his tour bus. We then proceeded to take shots of Patron and throw a dance party. No, I am lying, but I did see Corey Smith in concert last night, and it was super fab. Mr. Smith did an excellent job, especially a wonderful rendition of "What Happened?", "Wishing I was 21..." and of course, "If I could do it again. Janna was with me on this adventure, and we ended up leaving the concert with the renewed sense that we could be VIP because one, we met and chatted with the opening act and two, the bartender gave us free drinks throughout the night. (Thanks Janna for being a good looking friend). The only complaints for the entire night were that a. the beer line was way too long, b. tons of high schoolers were around having BOMOs. However, it was entertaining wathcing the BOMO's and thinking "Oh girl, you are going to regret that at your locker tomorrow." I was about to take a picture to post one to illustrate my abbrev on my blog, but thought that was crossing the line and a bit tacky. So, you can just use your imagination or pull stories out of your own head from those you have seen at the Bean enjoying a good ole BOMO before closing time.

A word that I heard this weekend that I think is amazing is "bromance". While I had heard it before, I was reading about it in a magazine while getting rid of my headache from the free drinks from Corey Smith. I do believe that this word is amazing because it is showing that guys are totally ok with being open about their friendships. I think that movies like Superbad have displayed the power of this word on the full screen, and I am anxious to see more of it. I think it is a great splice of words to illustrate an even funnier point.


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